the other day Lilly was taking a nap...she woke up and started telling me about something but it took me a moment to catch on...she said to me.."Mama, I was sleeping and in the story in my sleeping there was a monster chasing Logan but I killed'd him, thats a bad story"...she kept insisting that there was a 'story' in her head and it occurred to me that she was dreaming but did not know the word I explained to her about dreams ans sleeping best I could, and being the matter of fact kinda kid she is, she looked up at me and said "yes Mama, monsters are only dreams".....
Logan is figuring out how to express himself (without hitting...ha) a little better everyday...we are still doing sign language but he has now put words or sounds with almost every sign he does...he is the sweetest most affectionate child I have ever known...he now does this weird thing where he makes a kissy face but instead of a peck it turns a full on make out mushy long movie star kiss ....ha
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