Monday, July 28, 2008

I'll spare you all the silly excuses for not keeping this blog updated and get right into the good stuff. I only have a few minutes to write today but I am going to ' promises k?' to keep this up.
I'll fill you in on all the stuff that was missed in the past 6 months or so later...
Today we had a breakthrough. Realization of their capability to spontaneously express love and gratitude with words. BJ is out of town on travel for work and it is day one of a long stretch alone here with the kiddo's. I am a sucker and almost always indulge them regarding special requests for breakfast. Today it was : pancakes, vanilla yogurt and sliced peaches...yum. After mixing and flipping and slicing and serving Lilly and Logan were both quietly and politely stuffing their little faces. And then it happened. Totally unsolicited expression of kindness and gratitude in the most sincere language a 4 year old could conjure. She looked up and said to me " Thank you Mama for these hot pancakes and slimy peaches I love you!" In perfect baby brother fashion Logan, mouth full of food mumbles "ank ou mama"

what a perfect morning...I really do have an amazing life...

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Glad to see you're back at it. It'll be great for BJ... I used our blog as a daily Finn update for Brandon last year when he in Puerto Rico.