Monday, July 30, 2007


Things have been stressful here lately, lots of changes happening, we took down Logan's 'bed'(playpen)and moved him to the little toddler bed(still in our room), Lilly has decided she wants to sleep in her 'big girl' bed upstairs, and she has been getting up all on her own to go potty every night!...YAY no more pull-ups...and we are going cold turkey with Logan's bottles, he was taking 1-2 bottles @ night up until last week, but its bad for his teeth and his speech development so we are no longer offering him any bottles. I have tried to give him a little milk in a sippy cup before bed but he's still pissed and wants his "BAAABAAAA"....and...Bj is still trying hard to quit smoking, the patch is hurting his arm and he has been crabby but he is doing GREAT!..

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